Minnesota Statewide Advertising








Minnesota Display Ad Program
Area Size Rate Circulation Newspapers Deadline
Minnesota statewide 2×2 $2,500 1,073,704 269 Tues. 10a.m.
2×4 $5,100
2×8 $11,600
Metro zone 2×2 $1,450 364,028 45
2×4 $3,000
2×8 $6,850
Northern zone 2×2 $625 206,928 68
2×4 $1,325
2×8 $3,025
Southern zone 2×2 $625 253,741 84
2×4 $1,325
2×8 $3,025
Central zone 2×2 $625 249,007 72
2×4 $1,325
2×8 $3,025
Metro plus one other zone 2×2 $1,850
2×4 $3,850
2×8 $8,800
Metro plus two other zones 2×2 $2,350
2×4 $4,900
2×8 $11,200
Two zones (not including metro) 2×2 $1,200
2×4 $2,550
2×8 $5,800
Three zones: North, Central, & South (not metro) 2×2 $1,800 709,676 224
2×4 $3,700
2×8 $8,400
See summary of all statewide display rates (pdf)


Minnesota Classified Ad Program
1st 25 Words Each Extra Word Circulation Newspapers Deadline
$279 $10.00 1,122,683 258 Tues. 10a.m.
See summary of all statewide classified rates (pdf)

All rates and information may be subject to change.